Friday, March 7, 2014

Favorites Friday- My favorite Guy ;-)

Ok, so I am LITERALLY riding the deadline for Favorites Friday today ;-)  This is my favorite guy- Yep.  After 10 years of marriage he's still my favorite...And although you don't know it, he should be one of your favorites too.  He helps keep my boutique afloat- whether it is cutting wood, sanding, trips to the post office, setting up for craft shows, building displays or endless answers to my "what do you think?" questions, he is always there for me.  I don't think I would have the confidence or strength to continue to make items and sell them or to even wake up every morning if it wasn't for this man.  I know it isn't Man Crush Monday (or whatever the "youn'ens" are calling it these days), but he is definitely my favorite.  My biggest fan.  My #1 man. 

We have been through so much in the past decade that I couldn't put enough words here in this the entire space of the vast convey what he means to me.  So, here's to the hubby, here's to my soul mate, here's to my love... Charles :-)

He's taken, ladies.  back off. 

And since he is probably one of the ONLY people to actually check my blog and keep up with it...Love you- today, tomorrow and always, Charles.  Mwaaah.

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