Wednesday, October 9, 2013

From one vendor to shoppers everywhere...

It's that time of year---Craft show time!  (Vendor fairs, craft fairs, "festivals", bazaars, etc...That glorious season of holiday shopping is upon us!)  With another show looming ahead of me this weekend, I have decided that I should help out other vendors everywhere and let you in on some "secrets" from one vendor (little 'ole mwah) to shoppers everywhere...

Shoppers, we love you!!  Please come visit us, walk around, talk, buy... However, after 3 years of craft show participation (large and small, indoor and outdoor, schools/churches/parks/parking LOTS/gyms/convention centers- I've done 'em all).

I have compiled a list of "DOs and DON'Ts" for fairs/shows.  (And all the other business owners simultaneously cued their own personal hallelujah choruses)  Keep in mind, fans that these are ALL THINGS THAT I HAVE ACTUALLY HAD HAPPEN TO ME at a person.

First, the easy stuff...


1.) Come on IN the booth and look around!

2.) Compliment the items you see that you like or are interested in (this could also include mentioning if you enjoy the way things are displayed and the booth set up, etc.)

3.) Ask questions pertaining to what items are made out of and ALWAYS feel free to ask if they are handmade (mine ALL are and it makes us feel good to know that you recognize the time and effort it takes to make the products!)

4.) Of course...find something you can't live without and buy it!  Spread the word on where you got it and make me smile!  :-)

5.) Ask about custom items- if you have something in mind I will try to make it for you!  If I don't think I can pull it off, I will do my best to find one of my fellow "boutique bellas (or beau)" who does!

DON'T (please...pretty, pretty please...)

1.) Ask me to "let you in" on my process of making my products.  These items take time, energy, love and creativity to put together!  I have had many sessions of trial and error to get my items to the "final" stage, ready for you to purchase!  This includes the veiled "clever" attempts of: "Can I ask you...?" as well as "Do you just use ______ from ______?" and the ever popular "I don't want to buy one, but can you tell me how you ________".  No, No- I cannot tell you.  It's a secret.  MY secret and it's a LOT harder than it looks ;-)

2.) Just to take it up a notch...PLEASE DON'T mention to the person you are with that " could make that would be easy...we can find it on 'pinterest' wouldn't be that hard... etc."  (YES, this has happened to me at just about EVERY show I have done.  It's called TACT, people. 

3.) Going along with the first 2 "don'ts", please don't come into my booth and start snapping photos of my products to try and re-create yourself at home.  My items are my intellectual and creative PROPERTY and you are in essence stealing them when you do this!  This includes the "sly" cell phone snap.  Yes, I know what you are doing.

3.) Criticize my art.  Please don't take it upon yourself to suggest "another" way to do something...or say "You should have....".  This also includes commenting on prices being set they way they are (Maybe shoppers don't realize this, but boutique owners like myself are NOT getting rich off of their business- I love what I do and I price my items according to supplies + time and effort).  YES, it has really front of me.  Didn't your mama ever say "...if you can't say something nice..."?

4.) Have group "reunions" with friends and family, therefore blocking my entire booth from other visitors OR come in and "loiter" while doing the aforementioned sly "cell phone snapping" and "criticizing".

5.) Were you raised in a barn???  CAUTION: I am not jumping on a soap box, here.  ALL of the following jaw-droppers have actually happened to me (some more than once). 

-Please don't bring yucky, messy food and drinks into my booth and set them down to pick up my items (or leave them behind on my tables or under them- My booth is not a trash can).
-Please don't come in, move my items around or spend 10 minutes picking items up from across the booth then set them all down somewhere and leave...
-Please don't let your pet have their leave to run under my tables, come in my booth and especially WATCH YOUR PET.  (Yes, I am talking to the rude teenager who let their dog urinate on one of my products then picked up said dog and ran away)
-The above sub-category also includes unruly children handling my items and/or ruining them as well as the unruly adults in charge of them who put broken or damaged items down and clearing out as quickly as possible...

**And the other business owners are finishing up with a HAAAA-LLLLEEEELLUUUU-JAAAAAAHHHHHH- jazz hands.  Big finish.**

Yes, I've attempted to take a humorous approach with this post.  But seriously... As someone whose dream it is to one day have her own storefront, I consider my current "booth" to be a storefront too- a traveling one!  I put a lot of myself into my booth set-ups and displays and of course the products that go into it!  I have stressed over the weather, advertised, invited, priced items, organized and transported all of these hand-made treasures all just to *hope* that you will find something you love and take it home!

On that note, one more DO...DO SHOP HANDMADE!!  Handmade items are made from the heart!  Happy Wednesday- go forth and shop this weekend!  :-)

Monday, September 16, 2013

10, 9, 8, 7, 6...Well, you get it!

If you are anything like me you always try to have something to "look forward to" on the calendar... Whether it's the next big holiday or a special event or day in your life- there's something about having a big day to "count down" to. 

Well, I have decided to make looking forward to these events even more fun!!  My newest item is an "ode" to my best sellers- block sets!  My block sets are celebrating their 1 year birthday!  (I cant believe I've been sanding, painting, inking and designing these babies for a year)  So to celebrate, I wanted to come up with something special...Enter my new countdown blocks! 

These fun blocks come in various event designs- this first batch features baby, vacation, deployment, and wedding blocks as well as one set of "anything" blocks, which can be used and reused!  Check them out :-)  And keep an eye out for holiday countdown sets too!

Monday, August 26, 2013

Dreaming B-I-G!

Well, today it is the "Back to School Blues" for me :-(  For those of you who might not know this, I have been a full-time preschool teacher at the same school for 5 years and worked there for 3 years before that as the director of their after-school care program!  2 weeks ago I found out that I was being laid off- No "Back to school" for me this year....I was traumatized! 

Immediately I had 1,000 thoughts running through my mind- "It's the end of August!  Teaching jobs are all gone!", "What am I going to do now?", "I have no way to pay my bills!", "I just spent an entire summer preparing for a new class.", etc. etc. 

I then had to go through taking my classroom apart, puzzle by puzzle, box by box, game by game, etc.  It has been very hard.  Bringing EVERYTHING from almost a decade's worth of teaching back into my tiny 2-bedroom house has turned it into a nightmare to rival the homes from the show "Hoarders". 

I am still in the "What now?"  phase and have been praying that God would really open doors that He wants open and shut the ones He wants shut.  I have been praying for direction and peace to do the right thing...In all of this, one of my hopes is that I will be able to take the opportunity to really "grow" my business, which I couldn't really do before because of time.

I have quite a few great "IDEAS" for "More Than Many Sparrows Boutique" to expand and grow it and am hoping and praying that they will benefit both me and YOU- the customers!

Please check back often for new items, ideas, games, sales, craft shows and MORE!!!  I LOVE participation from my fans and will be asking lots of questions for your input! 

As always, thank you for your support :-)

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Living Life {Inspired}

The newest item to join the "More Than Many Sparrows" gang are these "LIFE {INSPIRED} WOOD SIGNS".  I have to admit that I am already in love with them- They really represent my style and personality as well as "clicking" so well with the "mission" of my boutique to inspire and encourage people in their everyday lives.  The one above was my "prototype" and of course shows my "banner" scripture: Matthew 10:31.
These signs are hand-crafted in the Shabby Chic style using real wood- They measure 24" long x 6" high.  They have their own featured cross and scripture to go along with the sentiment depicted.  They are hand-painted and include hardware for hanging already attached.
Which one is your favorite???

Monday, August 19, 2013

A Little Help from My Friends

I can't believe it has been almost a month since my last post!  Things have been busy and I have a lot of things going on...Tonight I'm working on some "prototypes" for a possible new product and I can already tell that I am going to be in LOVE with the idea :-D  Suspenseful, huh?

I am needing some help from all of my "Many Sparrows" friends out there!  I am considering making some more changes in my business- the products I offer (adding new ones and possibly getting rid of other ones).

But I want to hear from you!  What is YOUR favorite "Sparrows" item???  Please take a second and log onto your Facebook, go to my fanpage (I KNOW you've liked it already, right?!) and answer the poll question at the top.

I am learning that all things change and since changing my business (name, etc.) and revamping I have discovered that I'm still not "done", lol!  So, help me out- I want to make changes that make my FANS happy :-)

Thanks!  Good things to come!

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

A Penny (OR FREE GIFT) for your thoughts!

I am hosting a contest over on my facebook page! Go check it out and enter for a chance to win.

It's Easy-Peasy!

 (1) Make sure you've liked my fanpage:
(2) Submit your favorite quote (or scripture) by commenting on the contest post (Make sure it isn't a quote I've already used before)
(3) Check back on Thursday, July 25!  The winner of the "Favorite Quote" contest will receive a free Quote Hanger with their quote on it!  :-)

Put your thinking caps on!  Don't forget to share the contest on your own pages so your friends have a chance to win too!

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Putting the FUN in FUNctional!

The blog is updated with the snapshots of the Products I make available for you to see!  The "Accessories" Page shows off my bird nest necklaces and hair pretties and the "Home Décor" Page shows a gallery of my Block Sets, Quote Hangers, Nail Crosses, Wall Crosses and my newest item that I'm excited to share- Photo Cubes!
The Photo Cubes come in various color and designs with either 2 or 3 spaces for snapshots, business cards or notes!  Check them out! Which is your favorite?

Friday, July 5, 2013

Block Sets and Crosses and More- Oh, My!

Good Afternoon!  I have started my "Product Spotlights" on the "Products I Make" tab above.  I blogged about my Stacking wooden block sets the other day and today have added a section about my Beaded Nail Crosses...

Fortuitous timing, considering I am currently doing a GIVEAWAY for a Nail Cross on my Facebook Page!  Because of the "name change" I am redoing my facebook page and "rebranding" myself, means I have gone from 550 fans to 0 (well, I'm already back up to 100 :-) ).  Because of this, I am doing a "giveaway".  If I reach 150 fans by Monday, July 8 THREE lucky fans will get a prize!  One will receive the nail cross of their choice and 2 more will receive Grab Bags (Oooooo, the mystery!).  All you have to do is LIKE and SHARE my facebook page ("More Than Many Sparrows Boutique")

Here is the Link:

AND... another look some of the pretty nail crosses you could choose from if you are the lucky winner!  Like and Share at will!

Friday, June 28, 2013

What's in a name, after all???

I wanted to write a short little post today as I share the blog with the world about why I chose this boutique name for my "revamp".

"Sparrows" are a personal "symbol" for me and my journey.  To add just a little background to the story.  My husband, Charles and I have no greater desire than to be parents.  All I have ever wanted to be is a mommy.  I can remember playing "mommy" to my baby dolls as early as 2-3 years old- I am a teacher and I love children; but there is something absolutely basic about creating your own family.  We have been trying to have children for 6 years now.  Almost 4 years ago, we got our wish and then 4 short weeks later (at 6.5 weeks) lost the baby.  I was completely devastated.  I lost my faith- my passion- my life...  I was depressed and completely apathetic towards my life and anything/everyone in it. 

Somehow through the pain I found a way to crawl back to reality.  One day I was staring out the window at the little memorial garden we had build for our precious little one and I saw a sparrow fly into one of the birdhouses we had.  I sat and watched the tiny bird chirp, stick his head out the peephole and for the first time I felt myself smiling.  I don't know how long I watched the happy creature, but I started to ask myself "if God cares so much for this tiny little bird, doesn't he care so much more for me?" I made myself face the pain and turn the energy into something else- my little "hobbies" turned them into a business. 

My slogan has always been "Custom Handmade Home Décor and Accessories that prove the 'little things' make life extraordinary".  I feel like anything I make that can give someone a little bit of joy, encouragement or confidence is worth the effort and the time!

This past year my husband and I were overjoyed (and scared) to find ourselves expecting again.  We held out hope for this little miracle, but were again completely devastated to make it all the way to 11 weeks when our loss occurred.  Nothing can ever take this pain away.  This loss was even more overwhelming than the first.  We had waited 3 more years for our second chance only to have it torn away again.  Along with this loss came some health complications that I am still learning to deal with on a daily basis...  My journey has definitely been a painful and "rocky" one- but happily it is a JOURNEY and isn't over yet.  Some days I can't see anything but darkness; but some days I can still see that tiny sparrow in the back of my mind singing.  I know that my two tiny sparrows are in God's hands and I can only pray that one day I will be fully blessed with a child. 

I have felt these past few months while dealing with all of these issues that my business is changing too- I truly desire that in some tiny way my products and custom items give someone out there the hope, strength, faith and confidence to enjoy their own journey through life.  I hope that I can show others through my journey and through my daily life that they are also WORTH MORE THAN MANY SPARROWS.

It is difficult to type something like this through the tears in my eyes and put it "out there" in the universe for all to see.  However, I felt like it was an important part of sharing my name and what my goal is in creating special items for others who may need a "sparrow" to remind them of their own journey!  I guess that I blew the "short little post" part of my opening statement!  :-)

"...Do not be afraid; You are worth more than many sparrows"

More Than Many Sparrows Boutique
Matthew 10:31

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Welcome! I guess I'm a "blogger" now!

Hello!  Welcome to "More Than Many Sparrows" Boutique.  I have been "in business" for almost 4 years now, although it really seems more like "I make things that I would love to have in my home, so I hope other people will too"...  Maybe it's my mission to "spread the love through little things". 

I started out making my photo memory boards- well, one actually... for myself.  I had so many people asking where I got it and that turned into "can you make me one?"  I'll spare you all of the details my business has gone through as well as the "ups and downs" but it has definitely evolved from a creative outlet in my spare time to a thriving "in home" boutique.  :-) 

In the past few months I have felt like a new "chapter" is being born out of my boutique, so I have changed my name, revamped my "look" as well as my products and am starting this blogging style of boutique-ing rather than having a formal website.  My hope is that by doing this, my customers (old and new) and followers will get a look into what I do, how I do it and why I do it!  I plan on using this blog, not only to show my products to you- but also to share information about my craft shows and events and also demonstrate some of the "behind the scenes" work and fun that goes into what I do!  I hope that you will enjoy the journey along with me and of course find some home décor and accessories that you can't live without!

Over the next month or so I will be doing a few posts to set everything up and please remember that I am a "newbie" when it comes to blogging- soooo....I will be "spotlighting" one of my products in each post :-)  But for today I just wanted to say "Hello" and thanks for stopping by!

Here is an overview of the items I currently make just to get you excited for the product spotlights!

More Than Many Sparrows Boutique
Matthew 10:31