Monday, August 19, 2013

A Little Help from My Friends

I can't believe it has been almost a month since my last post!  Things have been busy and I have a lot of things going on...Tonight I'm working on some "prototypes" for a possible new product and I can already tell that I am going to be in LOVE with the idea :-D  Suspenseful, huh?

I am needing some help from all of my "Many Sparrows" friends out there!  I am considering making some more changes in my business- the products I offer (adding new ones and possibly getting rid of other ones).

But I want to hear from you!  What is YOUR favorite "Sparrows" item???  Please take a second and log onto your Facebook, go to my fanpage (I KNOW you've liked it already, right?!) and answer the poll question at the top.

I am learning that all things change and since changing my business (name, etc.) and revamping I have discovered that I'm still not "done", lol!  So, help me out- I want to make changes that make my FANS happy :-)

Thanks!  Good things to come!

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